Steven was driving back home. As he drove, the shimmering lights of the street lamps were his only companion. A lot of thoughts flashes through his mind, bombarding him with tons of uncertainties.
"When was the last time I did something for the first time?" he asked himself.
This particular question had been hitting him hard lately. He realise that there hadn't been any progress in his life ever since he begun working. He found himself lack of initiate and innovative in life. He is worried. At the moment, a few of his old time buddies are doing much better than he is.
As he drove, the questions are drawing his attention away from the wheels. He decided to stop at the nearest coffee outlet to have a nice hot chocolate, hopefully he could get a good night sleep and wake up at the right side of the bed the next day.
As he sat down sipping his hot chocolate, he found a magazine lying on the table. He flipped the pages. An interesting article caught his attention.
"Personal growth involves challenging ourself and pushing ourself beyond the realm of comfort."
"I agree," he murmured to himself as he continued reading.
We often caught up in our own comfort zone and didn't take the initiative to venture for something new. Hence our life became stagnant and mundane.
He nodded in agreement.He took another sip of his hot chocolate and continue reading through the lines.
Nobody can go back to the past and start a new beginning but anyone can start doing something today and work towards a better ending in future.
Another sip of hot chocolate gargled its way down Steven's throat.
Yesterday ended last night. Today marks the start of a brave adventure.We couldn't foresee tomorrow but tomorrow is filled with all that our dreams can hold.

Steven smiled after reading that line. He could see a glimmer at the end of his tunnel.
"I don't know where to go" are excuses created by cowardice individuals. Fighters should say, "I will go to the furthest I can see, so that I am able to see further."
A journey to a thousand step begins with this entry. This is the first step. After taking this step, you should come back next week for the second.
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